You have learned how to operate your camera
and you have all of these great images on a tiny little card in your camera.
Now what??
What do you do with these images? How do you store and save them? How do you edit them and print them?
If you want to adjust and process your images, Adobe Photoshop is great software. But it is a big program that can be overwhelming. This class will cover the basics to get you started and give you a foundation to grow from. Your camera settings are only the first half of exposure. How you develop a digital image is the rest. Learn how to get the most out of your digital images using Adobe Photoshop, a digital darkroom.
To insure that class can begin promptly at its start time, please have a fully installed and working version of Photoshop on your laptop. Please email us if you need help understanding how to purchase PhotoShop/Lightroom from Adobe Cloud. If you have a desktop computer, you can simply take notes. See the “Required Equipment” section below for more information.
This workshop is geared towards beginners who want to learn the basics of Photoshop and how to adjust their images using it.
If you have been using PhotoShop already, please consider a private class for any specific help or advanced learning.
Schedule and Format
This workshop is hands-on. Please bring your laptop with your software already installed. Or, come prepared to take notes. We will provide you files for you to work with and follow along. This session is three-hours long with a break around the midway point.
If you have attended one of our Photo Walks in April or in May, bring your photos for a special time to edit from those events.
Topics Covered
- Removing Images from Card Reader
- How to Organize Your Files Using Folders
- A Basic Exploration of Lightroom for Processing Raw Files
- Understanding the PhotoShop Tool Bar
- The secrets to zooming in on and moving an image quickly and easily
- Where the mini menu is for each tool
- How to Remove and Object from a Photo (or how to add!)
- How to get rid of Blemishes
- How to soften Wrinkles naturally
- Saving images
- Viewing multiple images
- Using the Camera RAW filter for image adjustment of both raw and other image file types
- How to setup the History Pallet for forgiveness when you make a mistake
- Resizing brushes and adjusting softness
Equipment Required
- A computer with the current version of Adobe Photoshop 2025 installed and working. (Those without a laptop often come and just take notes.)
- A notepad or device for note taking.